Uniquely specialized in
Simulation software solutions and engineering services
NUMERICS GmbH is a consulting engineering company that offers a variety of engineering services and software products for defense and safety-related tasks.
Numerics Software
NUMERICS develops analytical and numerical methods which are integrated in software solutions like hydrocodes or engineering tools.
SPEED (Shock Physics Explicit Eulerian/Lagrangian Dynamics) is a multi-material Eulerian / Lagrangian hydrocode with explicit solver technique for the analysis of nonlinear transient problems of shock and impact physics in 2D and 3D.
SPLIT-X is an expert system for the rapid design of fragmenting warheads, warhead design optimization and the analysis of the effects of blast-fragmenting warheads.
PS3D is a software tool that is designed to simulate and evaluate the penetration of deformable but non-eroding projectiles into a variety of targets like steel, sand or concrete.
FI-BLAST is a suite of software tools that support the rapid structural analysis of weapons‘ effects on vehicles, buildings or other structures.
MAP (Modular Analysis Package) is a „unit assembly system“ for customized weapons effects (WE) and lethality / vulnerability (L/V) codes. Tailored software solutions are assembled from existing functional modules and adapted to customers‘ specific requirements.
DIET is a specialized tool for the evaluation of shaped charge jet flash x-ray pictures and processing of optical images.
Our Services
Numerical Analyses
From the prototype to serial production, from design to optimization or qualification – numerical simulations help to understand and to assess technical processes, dynamic phenomena, structural response, and lots more. More…